Travel Information

When you travel abroad you may be exposed to diseases you haven’t come across before. Travel vaccines and antimalarials can help prevent some of the more serious illnesses.

You can contact BOOTS chemist at Sprucefield to book an appointment.

Telephone: 028 9262 7958.

It is advisable to visit them 6-8 weeks before you travel to ensure you are vaccinated in time before you travel.

Alternatively you could also contact MASTA at their Belfast Travel Clinic located in Kerrsland Surgery, 169 Upper Newownards Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim BT4 3HZ

Your clinic appointment will include a full consultation and risk assessment by a travel health specialist nurse. The telephone number for MASTA: 0330 100 4123 OR Lisburn Travel Clinic, Lisburn Health Centre, Tel: 02892 501281